"Confirmed. All clear."

Tumbles and Cacti
Petal made the nessecary adjustments to the approach vector on the HUD. One of the rotors had started to gradually de-sync so it needed a tweak from time to time, she could match it visually with eye over voice control.

The system could be programmed to re-balance from telemetry, but she preferred not to over do it with too much "algo sugar", too much auto compensation and things could go south fast in a reflex situation.

Tumbles and Cacti

She had Hades base in view. She notified the tower "On approach, stand by"

Tumbles and Cacti

Petal began to angle the rotors to slow for a landing. She reduced the rotor speed to begin her descent... everything in order... as she checked her metrics again.

Tumbles and Cacti

Just as she was preparing to land, Aithur established a HUD link. Petal looked a little apprehensive.

Tumbles and Cacti

"Petal, we need you to divert to the Stratosbay at Point R, we have a science team inbound"

"Argh, ok, but you need to fix me up when I get back, got an itsy spin-sync issue developing in here", she replied.

"I can see from the telemetry" Aithur said "you can run an algo compensato..."

"Yes, yes, I know" she said, enabling the telecomp.

"We'll fix you up as soon as you get back" Aithur promised.

Tumbles and Cacti

"Cells at 64%" She said out loud "Ahhh, it'll only drain a third ... dialing in coordinates, ok, locked in and on course"

She punched the throttle to full and pushed the nose down, accelerating rapidly in the direction of the port...

Some time later Petal arrived at Point R, a StratoRam was already disembarking as she approached and prepared to land.

Tumbles and Cacti

Tumbles and Cacti

Jenny Mae and her assistant were already on the landing pad by the time Petal had spun down. "Ok. You're my science team then." Petal stated "All set?"

"Thank you, yes" Jenny smiled.

"Lets get to it then" Petal pointed to the rear hatch. "You two are in there, strap yourselves in" she smiled.